Sunday, 30 October 2016

Tips for crack heels

Remedies for Cracked Heels

Cracked feet are the more common problem faced among all ages of people. It is also known as heel fissures. Lack of Moisture is one of the main causes for Crack feet. And some other causes like using of Harsh soap, standing for long hours, overweight, improper footwear and diabetes also play vital role in causing cracked feet. In some cases cracked feet leads to extreme pain and ugly looking texture. We have included some remedies which can give better result to prevent from cracked feet.
 Vegetable Oil

Vegetable oil consists of variety of oils such as Olive oil, coconut oil and sesame oil. Any kind of vegetable oil can be used to heel dry crocked feet which can give effective result when compared to other remedies. Apply some oil on your feet before applying make sure you wash your feet completely with soaked water. Apply oil before getting into bed and preserve it overnight where oil penetrates into your skin to obtain extraordinary result. Repeat the process until your feet gets soft.
2.      Lemon
Lemon has most essential essence called acetic acid which can used to heel the dry feet. This remedy provides skin softening which is affected by cracking. Soak your feet with warm water added with lemon juice for 10 to 15 minutes and then wipe it with clean cloth. Repeat this process to attain soft and attractive feet.
3.      Glycerin
Due to its moisturizing essence and diluting property, this works as an effective treatment to get rid of cracking feet. A mixture of Glycerin added with lemon juice and rose water is applied gently on your feet daily to get soft and moisturized skin.
4.      Scrubbing
Scrubbing is the quick remedy to get rid off from cracked feet. Before scrubbing soak your feet with warm water for nearly 20 minutes and then gently scrub with pumice stone to remove loosened death skin cells. Follow the process until cracked feet are healed completely.

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